Monday, April 30, 2007

Hole in the Wall

So anyone who's visited our apartment (which is pretty much just Lori) knows that our downstairs bathroom has a strange Soil scent. We've always had really bad spider problems in there as well. Lori noticed that it smelled worse under the sink.
Well I poked my head under there the other day (in the cupboard right under the sink) and I noticed that I could see SUNLIGHT coming through the wall and there was some dirt in the cabinet and 2 big ol' spiders. GOO! So yeah, apparently there's been a big hole in the wall, directly to the outside, and I just noticed saturday. Pretty awesome, eh?

Monday, April 23, 2007

Sewing baby!

I wanted to have a spring dress and I saw one at Macy's that I liked, but it was $55, so I decided to make it. I started it two weeks ago, but got busy. So, on Saturday night I knew I had to finish it so
that I could wear it once before packing it away for the summer. I think it turned out pretty good. I got a lot of compliments at church. The dark blue has a paisly kind of pattern too. You are probably all wondering how much it cost to make-$8.50. Pretty sweet huh!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

My first blog

Well, here goes my first try at the blog thing. I had a great time in Cali with Annette. Highlights being food, the swap meet, food, being hit on by the little mexican boys, visiting uncle Tad and aunie Anne and food. So, here are the updates. Yes, I did go country swing dancing and had a rockin good time. Ryan is really good and it took me a while to let loose, but when I did, it is one of my new favorite things. Still don't like country music, but the dancing bit is fun.
I have been busy going on silly dates lately with different guys-chinese buffet dinner, bonfire and foiled dinners up the canyon, March madness and pizza and movie night.

Ok, here are the shoes that I recently purchased.

Yes, these strappy ones have a 3 in. heel!
I hurt my knee, not while wearing the heels, but by playing soccer and so the whole heel thing is on hold for now. Well, hope this post works. If it works, I will post more often. Fun stuff huh!