Monday, September 2, 2013

You Know That You're Cheap When:

1. A coupon is used at 90% of your restaurant outings.
2. The other 10% is McDonalds.
3. If needed, you make two separate transactions in order to use two coupons.
4. You have two separate grocery cards in order to cash in on twice the free goods.
5. You take both cars to double fill at the gas station to maximize gas rewards.
6. You pound 100+ shrimp at Red Lobster’s Endless Shrimp in order to get your monies worth (and yes, a coupon was used!)
7. Your eyes never stray from the Value Menu at a fast food joint.
8. Combo meals??? – never heard of them.
9. Any large purchases are postponed until Black Friday.
10. Your favorite moments come from finding “treasures” on the side of the road.
11. You wait six months on the wait list to get a free blockbuster from the library (just saw The Hobbit).
12. If it’s “Yellow” you let it “Mello.”
13. Every other date night is at Walmart.
14. Target is not in your budget.
15. You go through the apartment dumpster in order to snag awesome coupons others threw away.
16. You keep used Slurpee cups in your car in order to save 50 cents on a refill.

Tonight after getting a Slurpee refill we realized that we're probably the only ones to ever do that. 
Then we started recalling all of the cheap things we do and could not stop laughing.

Share your favorite cheap experiences with us, we'd love to hear them (or even use them).