Sunday, August 26, 2012

San Francisco

This was my trip to San Francisco.  It was pretty awesome!!  We went to Pier 39, the Golden Gate Bridge, Ghirardelli Square, and other places.
Ghirardelli Square!!! Delicious!  Hot Chocolate is good, but do not get the Banana Split....not that great.
We got a Lobster put in front of us so we had to take a picture!!! The clam chowder was amazing and in a bread bowl!!!
Pier 39....Classic!
Golden Gate Bridge
All and all this was a great trip.  We went to some other places that I forgot my camera for like the Redwood Regional Park.  That was the best part of my trip as I went trail running among redwoods.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


We realized the night before we were leaving that we didn't have any pictures of the 2 newest little cousins together! I tried to snap a few but it isn't easy to get 2 babies to cooperate!
Ruby was just wanting to LOVE on Pax but I'm not sure he was loving it!
Takes a break from touching him to steal his toy :)
And back to touching him.
She just can't leave him alone!
Not sure what Gram will do in November when there's another baby who wants to fit on her lap!

Always a good time in castle rock. Such great hosts. good food. And pure awesomeness. SO much fun. 

Pools, ponds, and showers!

Education week was crazy awesome - as always! Thanks to everyone who helped with Ruby - which was EVERYONE. She had a blast at the pool, especially with her Auntie COCO! (P.S. - probably about 20 times a day I have to explain to Ruby that Coco lives in Utah which is always followed by a very sad "oooohhh.")
ALMOST falling in - not a one time occurrence!
Love to see their interaction.
Janelle cracking everyone up - no surprise there. 

We had fun coming up with name suggestions for Baby Mau and we're all just dying to meet this little guy! Such a fun week.

Our little Taddy graduates...

...sort of :) Tad walked this month even though he has one semester left. Luckily a few of us were able to be there and it was good times! Officially I am the WORST at doing graduation videos. I'm always so concerned about getting a video AND pictures that I end up with a short video and blurry photos. What can you do.

Love the face.
Where's Taddo? If you look really close you can see his face looking up, sort of in the middle of the pic, but on the outside of the group. All you can see is his face, or maybe YOU can't, but I can!
Hat toss over, time to fix the bieber hair :)
The guys. 
Note the wrinkles. Wow. 
Olive garden for celebration lunch!
Really good at feeding her nose, not so good at hitting the mouth. Grammie tries to help.
Ruby was really going after those breadsticks!

Congrats Tad! Here's hoping you ACTUALLY graduate in a few months :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Got some Paxton videos up on our blog.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dominican Republic

This first picture is a member family from Jacob's first area. Then it's casey's dad, me, jacob and casey. My eyes are that big because it really is that hot in there!!! At night, we had fans on us in our hostel where we were basically camping. It would normally be ideal, but at 4.5 months pregnant, it wasn't the best.

 The last day was the best as we went to the beach and went boogie boarding. The hardest part was kicking and paddling out past the waves. Casey kept saying that I needed to paddle so I could get going faster to catch the waves, but I think that he forgot about the bowling ball on my belly, which was really hard to balance on the board. I was pretty tired, but rode two good waves all the way in to shore. Here we are after two runs past the break.
After the long day at the beach, Casey sacked out in the hammock. Isn't he so cute??! It was a good time meeting all of Jacob's people and eating rice and beans. We also ate tons of great mangoes, bananas and my favorite fruit that's also found in Tonga, but not in the USA. When I saw it, I nearly jumped out of the car while it was driving down the road. I made otai out of it and was the happiest girl in the world. I'm also confident that the baby liked it too!