Monday, April 28, 2008

Moms day and a call to action!

So, apparently everyone decided to abandon the blog (so not cool). Actually I think Taki might be dead, so that's a bummer. But for real freakers, get off your duffs and let us know what's going on in your lives!
On a more pleasant note, it will soon be May, which means MOMS day of honor and glory is fast approaching. I've learned that with mom, sometimes it's better to just ask what you want, so if you'd like to post a list that would so totally rock.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Eggs for Dinner?

It seems that Meijer bags have dropped in quality, while their carts have become incredibly sharp. Which resulted in this. bummer.

Small Miracles

A little while back I went to Walmart and bought some chocolate chips. I was checking the receipt on the way out (because that's the kind of person I am) when I noticed that the chocolate chips did not ring up at the sale price. It was only a .39 cent difference, but for me it was the principle of the matter. The woman at customer service scanned some bar codes and then handed me 5 bucks. I'm still not sure why, but it was pretty sweet.
When we bought our car I withdrew a large sum of money from the bank and placed it in 2 chase envelopes. I ended up having 250 bucks left over. I THOUGHT that I took all of the money out and placed 50 in my wallet and left the 200 on the desk. A few days ago I started looking for that money and couldn't find it anywhere. I freaked because I had thrown away both envelopes and had taken out the trash. HOWEVER, last sunday I was asked to substitute in Primary and I wrote myself a note, which I placed on the door of the bathroom. On monday I took the note down and threw it away in the BATHROOM trash. Fortunately I don't empty the bathroom trash as often as the kitchen trash, fortunately I wrote my note on the back of a chase envelope, fortunately it happened to be the one that still had 200 bucks in it, and fortunately I remembered and pulled it out! wow.