Sunday, February 21, 2010

jordan's concert

Jordan's concert was very enjoyable (which is something that happens after 6th grade pretty regularly. I had to smile when he rushed up to his mom with 15 minutes to go before the concert and said "mom, I forgot my mouthpiece". Kat flew out of her chair and rushed home at speeds faster than could ever be legal and got there just in time to pick up my call saying that he found it. I had to smile thinking that these motherhood moments are past for me and now it is up to the next generation. Run with that torch!

kylie's daddy daughter dance

Here she is in Annette's old high school formal made into a pint size version with her cute wrist corsage and hair done by Kat.
They had a good time at the dance.

This too shall pass....

Or... tale of a kidney stone. It looks like the magic bus... or the devil... missing one horn (note the little pokey horn on the left side). At any rate, this little source of irritation presented itself this morning before church after taking a 2 week cruise down dad's pipes. The picture says a thousand words.... OWWWWWCCCHHHH! This kidney stone is so big, I think we should name it. Any suggestions? Dad keeps his little collection of stones in a pill bottle next to the pills I take in the middle of the night. Anyone see any potential for disaster in this situation?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chicken. It's what's for dinner!

Nope that isn't some kind of biology project or something from the anatomy lab. I got together with some ladies from the ward and had an AWESOME time canning chicken. Scary looking...but quite tasty. Sure beats eating rice and beans when disaster hits!
The good news is that we won't be eating raw wheat! After 2 years of sitting on 500 lbs of canned wheat we FINALLY got a wheat grinder. We couldn't bring ourselves to buy an electric one, but Preston said (as a true man) "I don't know what all the fuss is about, it took me like 2 seconds to grind this cup of wheat." Well...if the end of the world comes at least he'll be ripped :) We enjoyed some tasty semi-wheat flour pancakes.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The dress/Those missing pearls

I don't know why it won't let me move the pictures. So, here's what you get.

So, I was so busy with things all last week and so I decided I need to learn to say no! Well, to recap last week... I made 2 meals for my visiting teachees, sewed this dress, helped someone hang shelves, made homemade rolls and went to 2 New Beginnings. It was exhausting. But everyone was happy and the dress turned out so cute. I forgot to get a foto of her in the dress cause I was so busy at the New Beginnings.
Beyond that, I began teaching my Biological Psychology class which is so fun. I forgot how much I love teaching even though it's a lot of work. My students loved the class and were grateful that the class was fun and interactive. I feel that you can't go wrong when you include the fight scene from the Christmas episode of Community and an Office clip. I related them to the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. They loved it.
So I found these and forgot what Kylee kept saying when she attached herself to our legs. Please remind me. Annette, you look really funny.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Winter Storm Advisory

When it snows, it snows. Friday clinic ended at noon as the school, and the city, prepared to shut down. Customary with any Maryland winter storm, people raided the grocery store and stocked up on extra gas. Snow fell all of Friday evening, well into the morning. After rejecting my idea for make-shift snowshoes out of cardboard, Con and I ventured out to find our parking lot to be one massive snow heap. I'm pointing to our car completely buried. As we approached the main road, we looked up and down as traffic was nowhere in sight. As we sat and watched the spotty traffic, we were thoroughly entertained with a truck that spontaneously caught fire. Nobody was injured, and Connie made sure we remained a safe distance as the fire trucks zoomed to the rescue. Instead of chasing down crazy primary kids all afternoon, we dug out our car to make sure we'd be ready to go come Monday. As luck would have it school was cancelled Monday, and Con's work allowed anyone to take a sick day. All in all, an awesome extended weekend. And with snow in the forecast for Tues. and Wed., we may be in store for yet another winter vacation.