Saturday, January 30, 2010

Swim meet

Oh Boy, we forgot how hot and miserable these age group swim meets are! We went to see Kylie and Jordan swim last Saturday and I got a clip of each of them. Kylie is in the red cap in lane one and Jordan is in lane 5 with Tim as his timer.

I also caught a quick picture of Tim in the stands..... a rare and quick occurance. Though he is not on the staff of the age group swim this year, he still managed to time, coach, start and otherwise intermingle in the running of the meet.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Vegas Baby!!

In case you missed it, or you want to re-live it, or you wanna hear Toshi talk in a voice besides Monotone, then here it is. We should ask him to post about his life since then as he waits at home with the parents.Ohhhh...

My 6 by 6 ft new home

I have found new joy in the song "My Cubicle" which is a play on the song you're beautiful. Well, there it is folk, in all its glory. I have a few little pictures in it and have tired to spruce it up, but when the day is done, its still a cubicle. I am lucky because mine has a direct door opening to another guys cubicle which has a window. Yeah, I dream of one day being a window person.
The second picture probably doesn't even do justice to the maze of cubicles. It really is quite a spectacular sight, it almost takes your breath away. And this shot isn't even all the cubicles, if you can believe it. I did have one exciting moment last week when I couldn't print double sided on my printer, so I just found one that would let me and sent it to that one. Then, the hunt began. I ran through the maze listening for a printer that was printing. By the time I found it, I saw that 3/4 of my 90 page document had already printed and it was single sided. There was no hope to run back and stop it, so I just waited and carried back my giganto printout. Don't be jealous, maybe you will have a cubicle of your own someday!