Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Here we are together!!!!

For the first time in years the Sugiyama family of 8 was together in one space for one fast paced, fun packed weekend.  The miracle weekend started with dad and I planning to attend little Paxton's blessing and then Lori and Casey decided to jump in- super nice!!   When I realized that Tosh was attending a wedding in SLC the day before Lori's departure, I challenged him to cut one more day of class and join us.  He was in.  Next, I minimized the  fact that Annette was moving the day we would return by saying "you don't have to pack, and you don't have to clean"... so as dad said... I guilted her in (yeah... I am not too proud).  When Tad decided to return from South America prematurely, he didn't even have a choice... but was simply picked up at the SLC airport and swept off to Denver.  Then ... the toughest nut to crack... Tim...got encouragement from Kat, decided to make a bold move, cover his work, and hopped into a full car to drive 19 hours and complete the family.  To everyone I say "thanks for making my day"... or should I say weekend!   I will post a series of photos and segments separately but wanted to get this one on right away.  LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!! THANKS for all the miles driven, hospitality shown, and sacrifices made to make me the happiest mom in the world. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Ecuador Round 1 and Peru Round 2!!!

Basically I am not really good at this whole Blogging thing and so I am just going to tell you what is up and then post a lot of pictures.  Basically I spent time in Ecuador working in their hospitals and working with kids and checking their anemia levels for a study we are performing.  It was an awesome trip.  Slightly interesting since I was the only single guy on the trip with 19 other girls. We started in Guayaquil and was there for 2 weeks, we then went to Otavalo and did some work there too, and then finished our trip in Quito.  That was when my adventure began.  I went to Montanita on the coast of Ecuador and surfed which was awesome and the water was soooooo warm.  It was amazing!  I then decided to head down to Peru and go see some of the old friends that I knew there.  I spent some time there and now I am in Huacachina Peru.  This is like the perfect Oasis.  Literally I am surrounded by Sand dunes and in the middle of the small tiny city (Town) there is a Lagoon or tropical Oasis.  Anyway that is where I am at now.  I will be traveling back to Guayaquil where I will be flying back home. For more pictures on the Ecuador trip visit this site: https://picasaweb.google.com/117360015087259637129?authkey=Gv1sRgCPmzvZ7C57OcrgE

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chillin at the park.

I'm just realizing that very soon Ruby will have to share this blog with yet another cutie baby! So...I feel like I better get some pics of her in before this becomes a 24/7 grandkid slideshow! Here she is in her birthday outfit from Grammy at the park behind the library. We go there about everyday now since we don't have a yard and when we try to play in front of our apartment Ruby enjoys walking into the street, finding cigarette butts, and trying to eat them while I make a mad dash for her screaming in horror like a crazy person. 

Bringing me a rock she found. Very focused. 
Gotta love that tutu!
Always wants to grab the camera.
 Loving her new stroller. A sweet garage sale find!
Testing out the stroller's weight limit as well as her balancing skills. Both were impressive.
Just bein' cute. She's good at that.