Thursday, December 13, 2007

Half an Interpreter!

As part of one of Annette's sign language classes this semester, she took the written portion of the Michigan Interpreter's Quality Assessment exam (or QA). She studied hard for it but came home frustrated that nothing she studied was on the exam. She then began to talk about how she wasn't going to pass, but her track record this semester (and in life) goes like this...

She comes home from tests promising me that she failed it, telling me all the hard questions and every thing that went wrong. Then she agonizes all night about it and what happens? She gets 100% or something very close to it. And this test was no different. She got the letter in the mail today that she had passed. She sure is a smarty. Now just the other half (the signing portion) and she'll be a full-fledged interpreter!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

I have been good girl this year

Well, Vina had never seen Santa, so I took her up to sit on his lap. I told Santa that I had been good this year and so he asked me what I wanted. Vina and I both said a nice boyfriend. Do you know what he said? He said that he only makes toys. What kind of crap is that, Santa. Well, we just had a good laugh and got our picture taken. So, it is me, then Vina. Up on top is Nee-the one who plays football at BYU. These are two of the people that I spent Thanksgiving with. Well, the night continued with lots of crazy skits-bishoprick all wearing dreads and singing a Bob Marley song, priesthood in hula skirts and coconut bras. It was a great night, even if Santa crushed my dreams.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

28 and still crazy excited!

Well, it was Presotn's 28th Birthday and he did not disappoint with the crazy enthusiastic poses for the camera! Sometimes I couldn't tell if he was super shocked, super scared or if he wanted me to check his tonsils... Mom got him 3 nice shirts which he was obviously very excited about. I got him the Muppet Christmas Carol, a childhood favorite that caused him to break out in song..."Tis the season to be jolly and joyous!" The best gift was the Ron Paul for President shirt, which he put on immediately and vowed never to take off!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Provo Turkey

Thanksgiving break was exciting as ever. I showed up and hurried through the airport only to descend the escalator and find that my fiancé was nowhere in sight. Apparently she went to the wrong terminal, and I soon saw her running my way through the crowd. It was so sweet to see her and introduce her to my bishop out here in Baltimore, since he was on the flight.
Some of the highlights of the week were our mischievous act of snagging firewood from the canyon, shooting with Todd and Tiff, Thanksgiving dinner, Black Friday shopping, and enjoying a nice backyard fire. Connie got a thrill out of taking the wood, and turned out to be quite the crack shot. I made a pumpkin roll for Thanksgiving which turned out pretty good. My favorite was, as always, the turkey gravy pourer. Lucky for me our shopping wasn’t too crazy the day after and we actually got gift cards to Pep Boys of all places.

Note where the gun ends up pointing in the end.