Here is Halloween picture. The country girl and princess are my roommates. The rest were just friends of theirs. We went to a dance and it was fun.
Next picture is of my trip to Oakland. The beautiful and so nice Jackie married her high school sweetheart Bradly. The way it worked was Jackie finally decided to get baptized and Bradly said that he would go on a mission after Jackie got baptized. It all worked and Jackie was baptized about 3 years ago and Bradly just got back from his mission.
They were married in the temple and the picture is of the
ring ceremony which bishop Johns performed.
The last foto is of one of my goals for the year. Yes folks, those are homemade cheese balls. And yes I was the proud mother of two of them. Another funny story was my further problems with trash recepticles. I did fall into a dumpster earlier this month and today while I was riding my bike, whammo! Trash can. I looked down cause I thought my tire seemed a bit flat and looked up just in time to hit a big black bin. I came away with only a few scrapes, but it was embarrassing. No people outside, but I am sure someone was cracking up in their house.