I'm thinking someday Ruby will be looking through the books that we make of our blog and feel MORTIFIED by how much we publicly discussed her bowel movements! But she had one yesterday that was definitely blog worthy :)
She was sitting in the bumbo on the table when I heard it - and I knew right away that it was no ordinary poo so I immediately grabbed her out of the bumbo. While I was surveying the damage she started leaking :) I panicked! How do I get her to the changing table without leaving a trail?! I grabbed a washcloth, held it under her, and made a run for it!
I was wishing that Preston was home partially because he always seems to miss the big blowouts, but mostly because it's near impossible to keep her hands out of the poo when it's EVERYWHERE. And as she likes to stick everything in her mouth these days I was especially paranoid. In trying to get the onesie off without her getting her hands in it I officially got poo everywhere - shoulders, arms, back of the head, etc...
I finally get her cleaned off enough to take her to the shower, I stand her up and...you guessed it. She starts peeing. I just stood there, holding her, letting the washcloth soak it up, LAUGHING my head off. It was awesome.
I know what some of you are thinking - "really Annette, do you always have to include PICTURES of the mess? Gross." My reply - yes, absolutely! Who wants to read a post without pictures?! What I'm wondering is if this is normal. I've tried just about every diaper - target, walgreens, meijer, pampers, huggies...I've tried keeping her in smaller ones, using the right size, getting them larger - but it seems like EVERY poo is a blowout! I know you staunch cloth diaper people preach that you rarely have blowouts and I'm about ready to convert. At least with a cloth diaper I wouldn't have to clean my kitchen table in addition to her clothes :) I'm also thinking I maybe should buy stock in oxiclean as it has become my new best friend!
We recently put together this exersaucer and at first I think Ruby was a little leery about it, but after a few minutes she warmed up to it. These must really be a workout for babies because that girl is TIRED when she gets out.
At first I thought, what a wuss (I know, I'm such a kind mother)! But then I realized that when you normally just lay around all day, standing up might be pretty darn exhausting. Not to mention she has to hold up that noggin.
Two weeks ago college football officially started! For me it's a day that ranks up there with Christmas, my wedding day, the birth of my child... Yes, I love it that much. What a glorious time of year! We got little Rubes all decked out with her Michigan onesie and BYU headband. I can already tell she's gonna be a major football fan!
****And to anyone who caught the end of the michigan game last week....CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! Without a doubt THE most exciting finish to a football game I've ever seen!