anything to a rib eye roast and how what we really wanted was an english roast; and after I had asked two different meijer workers where to find an english roast, we finally just decided to get potatos, carrots, and onions and hope for the best! WE got a nice rib eye roast on sale for 40% off because it was "to be used" by the next day. I found a recipe online for potroast in the crockpot and the rest is history folks.
Midway through the meal Preston says, "Wow, our first pot roast in a crockpot. We're officially married!" We overcooked it a little, but it was delicious Tuesday night, as well as last night, and I'm sure it'll be just as good tonight! Gotta love meals that last 3 days! ***I'm not trying to overshadow lori's post, but I just posted this on our blog and though ya'll might enjoy knowing what kind of crazy stuff is going on in Warren!
Ohhhh, you are your mother's daughter. I just got a pan of lasagna to last 3 days and I was in heaven. Yes, I guess that there is something about cooking a pot roast that really makes you married. Ya hear that Taki and Connie?
Love the looks. Connie and I got a kick out of them. One adventure after another with you two; never a dull moment. So you challenged the pot roast after two years, huh? What can we expect to see in these next two? Possibly a grilling adventure? :)
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