Well, it was a hard day when we had to say good-bye to our old friend "the saturn." We never actually named him, but we did decide it had to be male, because we already had Maxine and we were hoping that they might mate and provide us with another free car :) At any rate...we said so long to that midnight blue beauty with her hood full of memories and she was hauled off(I almost missed getting a picture of the haul off!) to be stripped down and sold in pieces. I'll miss the enjoyment of mistakingly thinking that people were checking me out, when in fact they were simply trying to get a good look at that one of a kind hood or the way the mechanic looked at me when I pulled in for an oil change and had to squeeze my hands under the hood and carefully twist that combination lock, or the moments of fear and terror on the freeway during a windy day when the hood would go crazy! It was my first time "selling" a car ('m not sure you can call it selling when you call a random number from the Warren Weekly and some guy shows up within the hour with 75 bucks and is gone with your car 5 minutes later...). I was very nervous and he was a little pushy, so I'm pretty sure the title wasn't filled out correctly...BUT nevertheless, the car is gone and we've moved on to....
OUR NEW (well, new to us) '92 Chevy Blazer! He'd been sitting for a while and struggled at first, but with some love, a good washing, and the help of Pride Auto - we're happy to report that he's "running like a dream"! He was given to us by the Robinson's, which was a HUGE blessing because we desperately needed a car and we're way too cheap to buy one! Preston is in love with this "tough and manly" car and the back seat, which easily folds down into a nice sleeping area. We're looking for a good name...any suggestions?
Why don't you name the car Ron Paul?! Sturdy, true, a little old school, but lovable. By the way Preston, love the shirt. Well, it looks really good for a 92. Hope he runs forever!!
I'd go w/ Weber! Or for short, Weebes. How tight is that. Yeah, if I don't end up naming my first kid this, it'll definitely be the name of one of our future cars.
So, you are confusing us here with the mix of gender references. First you call it "she" and then you say it's a verile and manly vehicle. But, I had the first impression that Lori did only I was thinking to call it "Paul". but, to tell you the truth, it really doesn't look like a Paul or a Ron, and Weber????? No. I'll get back to you with my recommendation. Please include Jordan and Kylie as Jordan still hasn't forgiven me for not naming Lola "yoda" the corolla. MOM
Well, you could name it Andra or Linda or Rob in honor of the Robinsons who gave it to you or Warren.. because of where you lived when you adopted him. Yes, Warren. That is my favorite.
Dad goes with Linda because he is sure it is a girl.
Taki, what is the obsession with the name Weber? And where did it come from?
I like Warren. It also reminds me of Warren from Empire records-you remember him, the shop lifter. Hehehe!
Moms, Thanks for the gender correction! How confusing! The post has been revised, to avoid further confusion. Despite Dad's feelings, we definetely feel that this car is a man. We are taking all of your suggestions into consideration (even weber...I don't love weber...but I do rather enjoy Weebes...:) We'll let you know what we decide. We'd love to hear Jordan and Kylie's suggestions.
Kylie and Sparkle say: I think you should name it Blazer.So does my Unicorn Sparkle.but,we also thought Warren.Because that is the place you live in.
Tim thinks that you should call it Seymour or Buttcrack. Tosh mentioned "Whitie", Charlie or Charles.
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