Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Poop poops me out!

It all started when I thought it'd be nice to make a little "easy" money by babysitting for a few weeks. Unfortunately, I didn't realize until I was pulling the tabs of his first diaper change, that in fact, I had NO idea what I was doing! Yikes. Not a good time to realize that I'm a diaper changing virgin. I expected to open the diaper and find a few droppings (similar to those of a baby rabbit) so you can imagine my surprise. The baby took advantage of my temporarily paralysis and grabbed 2 hand fulls of his gushy poo. In terror I let go of his legs to grab his hands and used my other hand to grab a wipe. Unfortunately, I only have 2 hands, so that left his legs free, and he didn't waste a moment! Next thing I know he's turned himself over, poop is getting on the changing table and I can't do anything about it, because I'm trying to keep him from spoiling his lunch. I got everything cleaned up and he enjoyed a good laugh.

It was a good start to the experience, because it didn't get any worse than that, thank goodness. He was relatively easy - he usually slept in until 9 or 10 (my kinda baby!) and he'd go down for a nap about 4 hours later and usually slept until his dad got home. But those 4 hours each day taught me a lot!

1. Kids can find ANYTHING on the floor and when they do, they eat it! Pieces of lint, carpeting, nearly microscopic pieces of candy, etc... It's actually quite impressive.
2. If they can't find anything on the floor, they may just gnaw on a book cover or the wall - delicious!
3. They basically HATE it when you wipe their nose (lucky me, we both came down with a cold at the same time so I felt like the snot queen for about 4 days - it was glorious).
4. They don't eat with silverware, they use it to make a mess and fling food on the floor. A fork is a weapon...although when taken away, the mess still continues. It seems that kids like their food better on the floor or table.
5. Nap time is BLISS!


Lori said...

That is the best story ever! I've totally done that. You just freak when poop gets anywhere and then you are toast-the baby totally has control! So, does this mean you and Preston will further delay having kids?

Annette Shumway said...

Those 2 weeks were pretty much the best birth control EVER! But preston's getting old, so we've gotta get goin! :)

Mom said...

Well, there are the few kids that just lay there and look at you while you change them; but you wouldn't want one of those in the long run. Mine were not that bad- I don't think- but you do forget those things. I do remember a lot of wiggling from the boys and they may have gotten their hands in it. I don't remember the diaper challenge with the girls.