We ate some delicious Chicago style pizza.
We saw WICKED!!! FRONT ROW!!! For $25 smackers a piece!!! Go ahead, be jealous!
And had a little too much fun at the museum of science and industry.
We also visited our good friends Salem and Burke and their cutie boy and Shmo! They made us a delicious dinner and the company was superb!
Pretty much it rocked.
Nets that's gotta be pretty much the most sweetest rocket pose I have ever seen.
Is that you being a rocket!? It looks like Annette on crack. I guess it is nearly as hot as me and pres and being blown back by the fast car
Oh, and where are all the pictures preston took of the parade? He was funny!
Guys, I've got mad rocket skillz ok. Don't be hatin' Lor. Most of the parade pictures may have somehow been deleted....strange...
I love seeing pictures of my kids having fun. Thanks for the blog entries you guys!
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