Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yellow life or death?

Well, the fleabites are on their way out after 2 weeks and most of the major itching has subsided, Hallelujah!!! I still have many bumps, but I think that most went away pretty fast cause I didn’t itch them and Mom’s diligent prayers. It’s in times like this that I know why I wasn’t sent down during Pioneer times!!!

The fun new item in my life is my yellow burn cream from Pakistan. I’m pretty sure that it is helping and the iodine is probably keeping it clean. About half my clothing is covered in yellow! It may be hard to believe, but the burn is a lot better than it was!

Anyway, life is good, I started working at the ministry of health last Monday and spent the day helping make a TV broadcast about Rheumatic Fever. Basically I didn’t do much but I add in my two sense once and a while. Anyway, it will be good for my resume at least.This is for Taki-I also went to a primary school and taught the kids a song in Tongan about how to brush their teeth. Then we all brushed our teeth and did a fluoride rinse. I'd upload the video of the song, but it is long. I also played games with the kids-few adults play with kids and so they loved it!

Well, if you didn’t know that I went to see Mone, but I did. I just wanted to make sure. He still loves me, but not like before. Its been good to finally deal with it all and close this chapter of my life. I’m starting to see that I am better off, but it is taking time. Thanks for your prayers!

Funny story is that one of the cousins Kenny drove me and Nisi to the women’s broadcast and then the car died and so we had to try to jump it, but no one had cables, so someone took out their battery and we finally got it started. We drove about 30 ft and it died again. I think it was out of gas. I just laughed and said, “this is Tonga.” They were not too excited to walk the 4 miles home. Oh, and last Friday I went to a dance and it was fun to just get out there and let loose. That’s the news from the Island!


Mom said...

Whoa! That cream is really yellow!! I know that this is not an easy time kidd-o but I think it is necessary closure. Somewhere there is a young man who will be so glad you made the right choice. You are choosing an eternal companion for yourself and a father for your children. Keep your standards high! He's out there. You deserve someone terrific!

Taki said...

At first I read the title, saw the picture, and thought you had some sort of nasty fungal growth on your arm. I was glad to hear it was just a burn. Sounds like you're havin a good ole time as always. Stay safe.

Mom said...

Yeah, now that i look at that closer, it's going to leave a mark.