When it snows, it snows. Friday clinic ended at noon as the school, and the city, prepared to shut down. Customary with any
Maryland winter storm, people raided the grocery store and stocked up on extra gas. Snow fell all of Friday evening, well into the morning. After rejecting my idea for make-shift snowshoes out of cardboard, Con and I ventured out to find our parking lot to be one
massive snow heap. I'm pointing to our car completely buried. As we approached the main road, we looked up and down as traffic was nowhere in sight. As we sat and watched the spotty traffic, we were thoroughly entertained with a truck that spontaneously caught fire. Nobody was injured, and Connie made sure we remained a safe distance as the fire t
rucks zoomed to the rescue. Instead of chasing down crazy primary kids all afternoon, we dug out our car to make sure we'd be ready to go come Monday. As luck would have it school was cancelled Monday, and Con's work allowed anyone to take a sick day. All in all, an awesome extended weekend. And with snow in the forecast for Tues. and Wed., we may be in store for yet
another winter vacation.
Wow. Looks like you got slammed. We are getting ours now but let's face it. This is Michigan and nobody is flinching. Tomorrow will be business as usual. Some roads are closed but Tosh's friends are all here now.
Thanks for keeping the blog going in 2010!!! Love you guys!!
WOW! If you could see me, I'm doing an Annette with my hands up by my face making a WOW!!!!
Well, I am happy to be sittin pretty in Utah with our 44 degree weather. It's tough cause some mornings I still have a bit of frost on my car windows.
Gotta love the 44 degree weather! It has been bitter cold here and we've had nothing but jack knifed trucks on the freeway... right Annette? So, Lori, where is your blog with the gold dress? As Preston would say: gold dress! gold dress! gold dress! gold dress!
gosh darn michigan for always being so prepared for ANY amount of snow! I was DYING for a snow day and EVERY other school in the area was closed. AND I didn't get to see a car catch on fire...rip off!
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