Our little girl is growing fast and she is HUNGRY! I tried feeding her carrots the other day. It was semi-successful, but mostly just messy. Ruby has become fascinated with food. She will salivate and "chew" while she watches the fork go from you plate to your mouth over and over and over again - as if it's the most incredible thing she's ever seen! She will also try to put ANYTHING that is within arms reach into her mouth :) NO doubt about it. She's a sugi!
Preston, just finishing up a crazy delicious gull meadows doughnut, goes to get a sip of cider but finds that someone has beat him to it!
ooh...a freshly picked apple...yes please!
Having picked blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries this year I must say that picking apples is my favorite! They are SO easy and you finish so quickly! Awesome. Now we just have to figure out what to do with a whole peck of apples!
LOVE THAT FACE. She's got that "huh" look down pat.
Ruby finally gets to eat!!! All of the days of waiting are finally over! I am sure that Preston is in his glory since he has been trying to feed her for months now.
I'm not sure that "trying" is the right word. I'd say he's been successfully feeding her for a while now. All will be glad to hear that the first real "food" into her mouth was pocki juice :) she sucked the piece of rice and then spit it out.
That is unless the provo Tongans fed her fried chicken first :) which wouldn't surprise me...
There may have been some pre-chewed fried chicken that went into her mouth when she started crying. LOL. JK. Love her funny looks and cute faces. I'm pretty sure that if I had been around Ruby more, she would have done a lot of real food eating! Auntie Lori is so naughty!! Can't wait to see you guys in 10 Days!
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