Sunday, May 31, 2009

So I Married Mr. MacGyver

So the other day I decided to shave my legs since it had been a long time. I grabbed the razor and for some reason started the process at 100 mph. Shortly afterword I was at the ankle still going as fast. That was when I severed my ankle off…or at least that’s what it felt like! I thought it had finally stopped bleeding by the time I was finished, but razor cuts seem to bleed for a lifetime. That’s when Taki got the great idea to put some coagulating serum from school on the cut. It stung so badly. We hurried and wiped it off and he told me that he didn't think of it stinging since they use it on people that are already numb. He felt bad and decided to make me the ultimate white trash bandaid. It was hilarious and it worked!! Thanks goodness for duct tape and gauze.


Mom said...

OK, We've all done this -especially in this spot on the bak of the ankle. You're right about the band aid. It's strictly ghetto but it looks like it was doing the job.

Lori said...

Wow Taki, nice save on the duct tape. Especially after the coagulating serum disaster. Connie, glad to see that you are still alive. Those razor cuts are always nasty!