Thursday, October 1, 2009

New Roommate

Meet our two gallon kimchi jug, yes folks, that's ten pound of fun that you're looking at. Its the smelly new roommate that everyone wishes for. Actually I am used to the smell, except yesterday my roommate cooked with it and I almost vomited (mostly cause I thought how could you cook my new best friend.) Well, the smell was unlike anything I have smelled before and I have been to some pretty smelly places. Even though it is only 5o degrees outside, this smell called for instant window opening and evacuation from the apartment for an hour.
Another funny side note of my Chinese roommate is her lack of sharing. I can get that she wont share food, plates, knives, pans or basically anything. But I laughed so hard as I watched her walk to the bathroom with her toilet paper in hand. I don't share a bathroom with her, so this is why I never noticed her "camping style" toilet paper practices. It was a riot and I thought "Oh, we will never be a happy little family." Hopefully coming soon will be a foto of my other roommate in her footie pajamas. It's priceless. Just another funny day in my hood-be jealous!


Mom said...

I'll take my "roommate", thank you! I think it is going to be a long 7 months. I remember you saying; "nobody could be so bad that I could't last 8 months with them". Maybe it is time for a disappearing chain... 7 months worth.

Taki said...

Wow! I'm suprised she doesn't measure out her water and calculate her electricity usage. What a freak. Of course, I wonder what they say to their fam's about your wild and free ways. Most freaks that don't know their freaks think everyone normal are freaks. ( I'm pretty sure that's the most "freaks" you'll ever find in one comment).

Annette Shumway said...

holy yikes. that is so messed up. Are you sure you signed an agreement for an apartment and not the psych ward??! wow. just wow.