Friday, February 12, 2010

The dress/Those missing pearls

I don't know why it won't let me move the pictures. So, here's what you get.

So, I was so busy with things all last week and so I decided I need to learn to say no! Well, to recap last week... I made 2 meals for my visiting teachees, sewed this dress, helped someone hang shelves, made homemade rolls and went to 2 New Beginnings. It was exhausting. But everyone was happy and the dress turned out so cute. I forgot to get a foto of her in the dress cause I was so busy at the New Beginnings.
Beyond that, I began teaching my Biological Psychology class which is so fun. I forgot how much I love teaching even though it's a lot of work. My students loved the class and were grateful that the class was fun and interactive. I feel that you can't go wrong when you include the fight scene from the Christmas episode of Community and an Office clip. I related them to the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. They loved it.
So I found these and forgot what Kylee kept saying when she attached herself to our legs. Please remind me. Annette, you look really funny.


Taki said...

It looks like Tosh is on a manhunt, while Nets is pulling at his leg, pleading for her life (only with smiles on both of them).

Mom said...

Lori, That dress is the bomb diggity!!!! It is soooo cute!! I wish I would have had one professor who did anything interesting in my college career. Toshi is taking an online class that has the dryest videos, reading etc. I can hardly stand to listen to it. It is so bad.. big words and psychobabble that makes no sense to me. He needs you for a teacher.

Mom said...

Is that a t-shirt quilt I see under the dress?

Annette Shumway said...

"I'm a BOOT, I'm a BOOT!"

The dress is MEGA cute. Jealous I can't sew....but not jealous enough to learn :)

and yeah...I'm still laughing thinking of Toshi hunting anything!