Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

I was trying to think of something to post on the blog. This might actually be my first post. But the fun memory I have of mom is the time we played hoopla in Utah and she acted out Viagra. May have been the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life. 

I also started writing down some thing in church, figured I could make it into something really corny and this is the result. Hope you like it mom. Happy Mother's Day. You're the best. 

Mother, it's a powerful word. One with many definitions. It's a word that can make pain and tears disappear.  A word that refers to someone always awake to talk or willing to help with homework at any hour of the night. A word defined as work that never ends. A word that means,  all knowing.  The only word in the English language that means, one who teaches, works, loves, and cares with all her heart, and takes a macaroni necklace as payment. One that is willing to give all that she has for the sake of her family.  Someone who is willing to do everything from giving up on dreams she had as a child, to watching a 5th grade band concert for the 6th time and still cheering as loud as she did the first time.  A word that means master multi tasker. A word that in Latin means healer of ripped pants. This word refers to someone crazy enough to drive 14 hours straight at 4 in the morning to be there for her children. All of these definitions can be summed up by saying that mother means love.  But most importantly mother to me is defined as someone who has never stopped loving me and I know never will.  Thanks for helping me become the person you knew I could be. I never would have made it without you. 

1 comment:

Annette Shumway said...

When did you learn latin?!